Report a mosquito
Have you found a suspected mosquito in your home or out and about in Scotland? We'd love to know about it! There are two steps to becoming a Mosquito Scotland citizen scientist:
1. Please fill out our reporting form to give us a few details about where and when you found the mosquito. We can use this information to make a map of where and when different mosquito species are found in Scotland and identify any hotspots. We are interested in reports of adult mosquitoes and mosquito larvae that live in water. If you are not sure how to recognise adults and larvae, info can be found on our mosquito recognition page.
2. Take a photo of the mosquito so that we can identify it, and upload it in the reporting form. You can read our advice on how to take a good mosquito photo on our photo guidance page.

You can also send us a mosquito sample by post. This is especially useful for damaged specimens or others that can't easily be identified from a photo. Contact us and we will get back to you!